Eclectic Therapy Services
Tailored therapeutic approaches for individual needs, enhancing mental well-being through diverse techniques.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT focuses on changing the problematic thinking that contributes to anxiety. We all experience negative thoughts that occur automatically. Unhelpful negative thoughts can be severe such that one can describe them as out of step with reality and having an adverse effect on your everyday life. Cognitive methods which aid cognitive reconstruction can help you develop coping strategies and be more in control in social situations.
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP)
DDP aims to help patients develop healthy secure positive relationships. Attachment is a bond that we form with people that we feel safe and secure with. However, such people can also cause hurt, neglect and abandonment. This in turn causes difficulties in future relationships, we find it hard to feel safe and secure i.e., ambivalent attachment, avoidant attachment, disorganised attachment etc. To heal from past trauma and achieve safety within current/future relationships, we use affective-reflective (a-r) dialogue. This is a conversation that involves feeling as well as thinking. The therapist explores all aspects of the patient’s life; safe and traumatic; present and past.
Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Family and Systemic Therapy
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
CBT focuses on changing the problematic thinking that contributes to anxiety. We all experience negative thoughts that occur automatically. Unhelpful negative thoughts can be severe such that one can describe them as out of step with reality and having an adverse effect on your everyday life. Cognitive methods which aid cognitive reconstruction can help you develop coping strategies and be more in control in social situations.
CBT focuses on changing the problematic thinking that contributes to anxiety. We all experience negative thoughts that occur automatically. Unhelpful negative thoughts can be severe such that one can describe them as out of step with reality and having an adverse effect on your everyday life. Cognitive methods which aid cognitive reconstruction can help you develop coping strategies and be more in control in social situations.
Systemic and Family Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that treats the family as a unit. It's based on the premise that, when something affects one member, it affects every other family member as well; likewise, the strength and stability of a family unit can provide support when one member needs help. Family systems therapy also focuses on the generational, social, community, and cultural factors that influence individuals and families.
Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR)
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapy that uses rhythmic left-right (bilateral) stimulation to help people recover from trauma or other distressing life experiences. Bilateral stimulation involves moving the eyes rhythmically from left to right. These movements, along with focusing on the traumatic memory, is thought to reduce the memory's emotional impact. As a result, you can begin to heal from the fear and pain associated with the trauma you experienced. Over time, exposure to these memories reduces or eliminates your negative response to them
Schema Therapy (ST)
ST enables changes in clients who feel hopeless about their self-destructive patterns, because these problematic behaviours may seem so entrenched that they appear to be part of their very identity. ST is especially helpful in treating chronic depression, anxiety and relationship difficulties. It helps prevent relapse in substance abusers by addressing negative life beliefs, which can cause low self-esteem, isolation, emotional struggles, and safety concerns. These beliefs can lead to poor relationships and unsatisfying careers. Clients work on assignments outside sessions to confront these beliefs, while therapists help identify unhealthy patterns and guide change. The therapist also offers support to meet unmet childhood needs.
Psychosocial intervention helps patient understand the interaction that exists between the mind and the social environment. This interaction can be a trigger to mental health concerns. In therapy, we aim to highlight this interaction, offer therapeutic recommendations that bring about change. Psychosocial intervention aim is to reduce psychosocial distress, by reducing anxiety and depression, stress etc and increasing self-awareness, promote social activities etc.
Psychosocial Intervention
Sleep therapy is a type of therapy used to improve the quality of your sleep at night. Sleep Therapy can improve your sleep by changing your behaviour before bedtime as well as changing the ways of thinking that keep you from falling asleep. It also focuses on improving relaxation and calming skills including lifestyle habits that impact your sleeping patterns. For those experiencing sleep problems, such as insomnia, turning to a sleep therapist can be more effective than sleeping pills but without the side effects.